Winter Hour

You Made A Shadow was released in 2020. Additional arrangement and production by Nolan Kehler on Glass, Hugo & McMillan, Names We Make, and Promises. Drums recorded by Nolan Kehler (Glass, Names We Make, Promises, Quicker Now), and Nathaniel De Avila (Devil, Guillaume, Left Without Leaving, and Living Here). Bass guitar recorded by Ben Mak. Featuring vocals by Annika Enns-Dyck on Glass, Promises, and Quicker Now. Violin and viola on Names We Make and Quicker Now played by John and Sarah Wiebe, cello on Letters by Jonathan Wiebe. Piano, electric and acoustic guitars, and synths played Mike Wiebe. All songs fully produced in Canada. Artwork and image by Matt Veith Creative.

Winter Hour On Spotify

Winter Hour On Apple Music

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The 2019 self-titled release from Jasper is awesome. Jeff Beaty – drums/percussion, Taylor Ford – bass/keys/vocals, Bradley McKellip – guitar/vocals. They’re smart enough to know that the true apex of art is the three minute pop song, but not smart enough to not make it weird. Brad likes to call them ‘bootgaze’ or ‘post-country,’ to the chagrin of his bandmates. Great music out of Lawrence, KS. Stream it, download it, order a tape.

Jasper On Spotify

Jasper On Apple Music

Download / Order A Cassette Tape

Kenzie Jane

A brilliant songwriter and incredible vocalist. A 2016 Top 25 Finalist in CBC’s Searchlight. The EP “Love Me from Scratch” was released on April 27th, 2018 Check it out on any of the major streaming and download services.

Kenzie Jane On Apple Music

Kenzie Jane On Spotify

Find more songs and videos here:

Kenzie Jane’s YouTube Channel

Andy Wilcom Trio

A wonderful Christmas themed anthology of live performances by the Iowa-based trio in memory of their friend and member Sam Williams.

To order a copy please contact us:

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A post rock duo out of Winnipeg, MB that blends warm guitars and vocals with looped cello and percussion.

Their album Night is available on all major streaming and download services.

Rosebud On Spotify

Rosebud On Apple Music